The HDL KNX M/LCR.1 serves as a signal bridge between the KNX mainline and Sub line, or between the mainline and backbone line. Both lines employ galvanic isolation, this ensures that the unit is protected from potential short circuits and corrosion. The module can serve as both a signal amplifier, and a filter for communications traffic.

Signal extension

The main function of the M/LCR.1 is that of a repeater or backbone coupler. The module is able to receive, amplify, and then transmit any information or signal it receives. This enables commands to be sent and received effectively, and ensures signal integrity.

Current isolation protection

With two galvanically isolated KNX bus interfaces, the transmission of data is safeguarded and system errors are prevented. The module is also able to support both main line and sub-line connections giving added system flexibility and adaptability.

Filter functionality

By using the devices filter functionality a unit is able to judge the network traffic rate, and permit data passing, or blocking. This ensures that the system is never overloaded, and that data precedence is enforced.

LED indication

With 7 LED status indicators, a user is able to tell with a simple glance the device status. This enables a user to judge the functionality of the module without resorting to using a PC or other more complex diagnostic tools.